The Pillars of a City
Healthy cities require healthy citizens with the freedom to be the best versions of themselves.
It is universally recognized that everyone has the right to own or rent property, individually or collectively, and nobody shall be arbitrarily deprived of this right.
Let us demand this recognition from our government.
Public Infrastructure
By nature, our public spaces and infrastructure belong to and exist for the public. Our shared spaces must be safe, accessible, inviting and functional.
Let us demand this of our government.
Economic Development
Everyone has the right to work, to just and favourable conditions of work, and to have the opportunity to be financially independent.
Let us demand this right from our government.
Access to Care
The public has the right to public care. Public health is physical, emotional, and psychological. Care that does not yet exist, must.
Let us demand this care from our government.
Beauty and Entertainment
Arts, culture, leisure and play are essential and necessary to the enjoyment and health of the public and the city.
Let us demand this enjoyment from our government.